Posted in Book Review, contributed

The Beginning

I was always a reader.  My entire life I have loved books, they are my escape.  I tend to find myself switching genres every few months after I have read absolutely every every possible book in that genre as I can get my hands on.

Once my husband bought me a kindle it was as if I became obsessed. I would download as many free books as possible and that was on top of purchasing at least 3 books a week.  Don’t even get me started on the public library because I never leave there with less than 5 or 10 books at a time.

I spent most of 2010 addicted to Young Adult.  It started years ago with Harry Potter and then the Twilight and Vampire Academy Series.  I soon found myself in love with YA Paranormal books-Vampires, werewolves and fairies.  I discovered Sarah Dessen and Deb Caletti, Ellen Hopkins, Simone Elkeles and Rachel Caine. I found I couldn’t get enough.

It wasn’t until this past year that I discovered this growing genre of M/M fiction.  With the boom of the E-reader we find ourselves overwhelmed with the abundance of stories out there.  I have discovered so many great authors I would have never had the opportunity to learn about.  I’ve been able to download short stories, novellas and novels that in the past would never have been made available for readers in a book store or local library.  I simply love it.

I quickly found my way on to Shelfari where I was able to get ideas and recommendations for other books.  After that it was Goodreads and that was where it all came together.  I found my book Utopia.

After accidently stumbling into a M/M romance that was offered through Amazon’s free reads I was hooked.  I looked up more books with similar qualities and found that there were so many I wanted to read.  I started downloading them every few days and from there my love of man on man love was born.  M/M romance, suspense, action, paranormal etc. there is so much out there I was and still am amazed.

I will continue to read, to discover everything that I can about this irresistible genre.  It is my guilty pleasure and I love it!